Blue Spark Foundation

Section 1

Tell us about your project

Section 2

Tell us about you

An email address is required
Email is incorrect format

Section 3

Tell us about your organisation - if any

Section 4

Funding and supporting information

Date is required.

Optional - please note, you will only be able to upload one document (of up to 2mb).

Section 5

Review Grant Application

Section 6

Confirmation and Grant Obligations

I confirm that if I am applying on behalf of an organisation, I have authority to make this application. I agree that the award of any grant will be subject to the obligations shown below and I agree to comply with those obligations. I confirm that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Grant Obligations

  • Report to BlueSpark on the progress of the project and to supply photographs

  • Details and photographs of the project being published on BlueSpark's website

  • Obtain appropriate authority for the said publication by BlueSpark of any such photographs

  • Refund the grant if the project does not proceed

  • Refund any part of the grant which is not used for the project

  • Name BlueSpark on any physical assets or publicity related to the project

  • Submit a project completion report to BlueSpark in the form provided with the Grant Offer letter

Please agree to the grant obligations to proceed.

Grants Required

Bluespark grant refers to the amount of money you want from us.

Other Grant refers to the amount of money you will recieve from another grant.

Self funded refers to any money your organization has put towards the project itself.

Other refers to any money funded through other ways.

Thank you for your application for a BlueSpark Grant. The Trustees will review your application at our next application review meeting which will be held in June 2025. We will write to you within 10 days after that meeting to let you know whether your application has been successful.

Any information which you provide to us in your application will be treated as confidential. However, if a grant is made to you, it will be a condition of making that grant that we are allowed to put details of your project on our website but without identifying by name any children or young people involved in the project.