Blue Spark Foundation

Haworth Riding for the Disabled Group attends National Special Olympics Competition

BlueSpark provided funding for 6 riders with a learning disability from Haworth Riding for the Disabled Group to attend the two-day National Special Olympics Competition in Sheffield as part of the Yorkshire and Humberside team. This is a major competition designed to increase independent living. The participants had to adjust to riding unfamiliar horses. Jane Lawrence, the project leader, told BlueSpark that “The event not only nurtured independence but helped build social and communication skills, increase self-esteem and self-confidence and demonstrated what can be achieved both individually and as a team. One rider is wheelchair-bound and a more able rider took charge of her and her wheelchair! Our riders made new friends and had the experience of a different equine environment. All of our riders won medals, many of them being golds and silvers. They made new friends and had the experience of a different equine environment.”