BlueSpark Supports Orchestras for All at the Royal Academy of Music
BlueSpark supported the National Modulo Meet organised by Orchestras for All at the Royal Academy of Music in London. 130 young musicians from secondary schools across the country took part in a day of rehearsals, a creative composition workshop and a performance, supported by a team of professional orchestral tutors. The event aimed to improve both the musical and social skills of the participants and to inspire them. All of the participants came from schools with limited music resources and opportunities. They had the opportunity to work with a professional composer and to prepare a brand new co-created composition and then to perform it in the inspirational surroundings of the Royal Academy with part of the performance conducted by Sian Williams, the Head of Conducting at the Royal Academy. The concert was live streamed on Facebook. Anna Williams, the project leader, told BlueSpark that the event set a new standard for the Modulo Meet programme.